About Us
All our jewelry and sand paintings are inspired by the rhythms of nature and the spiritual essence of it all.
We carry items traditional to New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment: We feature Native American made jewelry also Navajo sand paintings, and other forms of jewelry for men, women, and children. Chile pepper ristras when in season are a favorite, and soon photography prints of the great southwest region. New Mexico has a rich culture all its own. We, born and raised locals, want to bring you a bit of its history and culture into your homes. Enjoy!
We have been on the internet as New Mexico Gems since 2010 operating in New Mexico.

I am Roslyn Sanchez the main Native New Mexican artisan/designer for New Mexico Gems. I am also a photographer. My family has been in New Mexico for generations. I am affiliated with Ohkay Owingeh pueblo. I started this business when I graduated from school in Computer Science and could not find a job. One thing I knew well was New Mexico history and our rich culture. My grandmother managed the Old Town Gourmet and Candle Shop for years and I would go to work with her in the summers. I would visit all the vendors. From the French lady selling her jewelry in the middle of the plaza, to the glass blower next door, to the lady that owned the Chile Patch (which my grandma says was her idea that she gave the owner and the owner ran with it, they were close friends) to the native vendors which were all close friends of my grandma. The children from the catholic school close by that had school year round would come into the gourmet shop after school and purchase penny candy from us. My childhood there was filled with wonder and a keen sense and knowing how to run a New Mexico business. I then found an IT position and let the business go. I planned to bring the business back to the fore front after 8 years into my position. However, I was laid off and didn’t have time to work on bringing it back together whilst on the job. So, I picked up where I left off and it flourished on Etsy. I am so happy to be doing what I was meant to do in this world. I was meant to create with a great deal of imagination, beauty, spirituality and the traditions of the pueblo people and New Mexico and not IT. When I first started the business, I would feature local artists from all around New Mexico to show case their art. I made it a family affair as well. Now, I showcase quite a bit of my own creations.